Thursday, April 16, 2009

Park & A Carter Funny

Today we went to the park with Emily and Blake and the kids had a great time and Stacy and I certainly enjoyed the adult conversation :)(Dont worry, we both felt that our kids could play together, hers have had pink eye, strep, and double ear infections. Both on eye drops and antibiotics :)

Earlier today we went to the mall and I needed to get a lingerie gift for a friend. This is how our conversation went:

C- Why are we in this store with all these boobie things?
M- We are getting a gift.
C- Do you wear these boobie things?
M- Yes, they are called bras.
C- (Closely examines a few then says) Well, your boobies are not as big as these.
M- Yes, I know and thank you for announcing that to everyone in the store.

Gotta love little boys :)


  1. that is so funny... i am laughing out loud! Brylee calls bras eye balls and i am not sure why? Got to love the innocence of a 4 year old!:)

  2. LOL!!!!!!!!!! Boobie things!!!!!!! Little boys are hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Carter funnies!!!!

  3. Isn't it great to hear all the funny things kids will say. That is too funny!

  4. So funny! You never know what there gonna say!
