Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fun in the Sun

It was too pretty today to stay inside and also, too hot for the park. Cole stayed with us this afternoon and they wanted to play in the water. We stayed out for about 2 hours and they had a blast.

They Played

And Played

She kept filling up this Pepsi bottle

And doing this...too funny


  1. i love her bathing suit! brylee used to love filling up bottle too... take some to the beach and she can sit under the umbrella or tent in a baby pool and fill up bottles for hours that is what we used to do with brylee... the beach in may will be great we usually go down that week too but we will be in disney.. usually great weather and not SOOOO hot! :)

  2. Trey loves filling up bottles also. He has an empty shampoo bottle that he fills up in the shower/bath & then tries to drink it. Too cute!
