This precious face would not look at the camera, because she was too busy swinging and watching the big kids play and it was waaaaayyyyy past her nap time.
The rest of the pictures are to pick on Marsha, but I can because she knows I love her :) She came to the ballpark and to the party decked out in a dress and heels. If you know Marsha, that is NOT her. It cracked me up that people were asking her why she wore a dress and heels to the ballpark. Well, duh, she had obviously been somewhere beforehand, but I just had to pick on her, because she is most happy in her t-ball mom t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops :)
This was a great photo-op that I could not miss out on, gotta love a porta-potty
Oh my, my face coming out of the portable toilets! That could be the best. And being at a party and ballgame in a dress was tons of fun! I don't even wear a dress to church half the time. MEMORIES