Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Long Overdue VBS Post

This is my favorite picture taken from the WONDERFUL week of VBS. Marsha and I were directors again this year which means ALOT of work, but ALOT MORE rewards ;)We had an average of over 1200 people at VBS each day. Over 850 elementary students registered. About 79 little angels made a decision to accept Jesus into their hearts! These amazing kids scraped couch cushions, asked neighbors and brought in piggy banks to send over $2600 to missionaries in Africa. A 2nd grader was able to collect boxes of toothpaste, toothbrushes and sugarless gum for children in Africa. I cant think of a better way to spend my time and efforts than VBS. I LOVE IT!!! Six adults were saved as well!!!! We have a church FULL of unselfish people who take a week off of work or time out of their busy schedules to make all of this happen. Thank you to everyone who helped and especially to Jenny and Marsha; I can't imagine doing it without you two.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite picture too. And so excited about spicing it up next year with the night VBS.
