Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A New Beginning

Well its a new year and a new year should bring change, so I am starting a blog. I know what you are thinking, but you have a website. yes, that is true: www.davis.aboutmybaby.com however, that is about the kids and what they do, but this will be about me and what I am thinking. LOL...yeah right I'm sure there will be plenty about Joseph and the kids, but what can I say, they are my life :) I am excited about the blog, because now I can share my thoughts and opinions with everyone. Even though I have NO time for this, I am excited about it. So here goes my first post and what's on my mind.....

If you still have up your Christmas decorations, PLEASE take them down NOW! This is a huge pet peeve of mine. I do not understand how people can still have them up. Why is it that its always the tackiest ones that are still up 2 weeks after Christmas? It's bad enough to still have them up, but even worse to plug them up and still blow up those yard decorations. I took mine down the next morning. I realize that is very early, but I am extremely anal and needed everything back to normal. I wanted to take them down Christmas night, but husband told me I was a scrooge and to let the kids enjoy them. Ok, that feels nice to get that off my chest...LOL!


  1. yeah! awesome job... hey i just made a cute header from this site http://www.scrapblog.com/ if you are interested in making one... pretty easy to work just takes some time to create... see my comments on how to add it to your blog after you make it... click shrink to fit or it will be huge... good luck!

  2. What about still blowing up the yard things and turning on the lights? It confuses my kids...they ask if Christmas is coming again.

  3. OK, I'll take them down! JK, I took them down on the 27th. Glad you're blogging!

  4. That is so funny. Yes I took mine down the day after. I can't take it either. I am also anal.

  5. HA! I laughed outloud at this! I must confess...I just took mine down last weekend.I will try and do better when I am not trying to get a classroom ready in 2 weeks!
